moore work

character icons

independent illustrations

this page is currently a work in progress, come back soon!

hi, hello!! i'm Meghan!! :]

Hope it's cozy here!
I'm currently a junior illustration major attending Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia. I'm a big fan of anything with color and I fully intend on injecting as much whimsy into my artwork (and life) as possible! I tend to focus more on overall worldbuilding and character design, but really, anything goes! I'm just here to have fun and pursue a dream :]
Here you will find art (the fun and the school kinds — usually it's both!) and other miscellaneous things like contact info and socials and emails and whatever. If any of this sounds right up your alley and you want me on your team, I hope to hear from you soon! Happy browsing :-)(and if you're wondering, the little star guy's name is Ette.)